Tutorial 7 - Variable and Data Types
01. Write a C program that subtracts the
value 15 from 87 and displays the result, together with an appropriate message,
at the terminal.
Answer :
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int result = 87 - 15;
printf("Subtracting 15 from 87 gives: %i", result);
return 0;
02. Identify the syntactic
errors in the following program. Then type in and run the corrected program to
ensure you have correctly identified all the mistakes.
#include <stdio.h>
int main (Void)
( int sum;
/* Calculate Results*/
sum = 25 + 37 – 19
/* Output Results */
printf ("The answer is
%i\n" sum);
return 0;
Answer :
aHere are the syntactic errors in the provided
aThe Void in int main (Void) should be
lowercase, i.e., void.
aThe opening parenthesis after int main (Void)
should be a curly brace {.
aThe data type INT should be in lowercase,
i.e., int.
aThere is a missing semicolon at the end of
the line sum = 25 + 37 – 19.
aThe closing comment marker // after DISPLAY
RESULTS is placed incorrectly. It should be before the printf line.
Corrected version of the program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
// Calculate Results
int sum;
sum = 25 + 37 - 19;
printf("The answer is
%i\n", sum);
return 0;